Rabu, 15 April 2015


This paper titled Organic Farming is Farming Future to Ensure Quality of Human Resources to address two important issues relating to the sustainability of human life on earth nature . Natural condition which include land, water, air, weather and climate are in a very poor state. Many things can cause damage to the natural one agricultural activities. The agricultural sector plays an important role in environmental sustainability.
Good environmental management will slow the process of environmental degradation, one of the solutions in the Campaign is an organic farm. Organic farming farm management system that supports the greening of the attention to ecological production, biodiversity, biological cycles and soil biological activity so as not to damage the farmland. Organic farming is not only capable of protecting the environment, but also a greater impact on the quality of its human resources. Good agricultural system would produce agricultural products are good and the quality of human resources would be any consumer needs are met with a healthy diet and high nutritional value.

This paper contains the idea of ​​cooperation among all components of society in implementing organic farming in all parts of Indonesia. Intergovernmental cooperation and regular chemical manufacturer, their specifications in every area of ​​agricultural land. Reactivation of agricultural extension workers in providing incentives to the entire community both farmers and non-farmers about the importance of generating and consuming organic agricultural products. The existence of a strong link between the quality of human resources in this healthy and intelligent, a reference in the application of organic farming. Qualified human resources should be supported from a healthy food source so that stability between natural resources and human resources sustainable.

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